How we can support you

In 2018, we released the first production-ready software for feature learning on relational data and time series. We applied getML's algorithms across different industries and in use-cases with companies like Volkswagen and Carl Zeiss.

By using getML in your project, we can shorten project cycles while delivering more accurate models.

Talk to us and find out how we can support you.

We can guide your team from conceptualization to production optimization.

Here is a selection of scenarios where we can help.

How do I set-up an appropriate ML environment?

For pilot or productive use-cases? Where is the relevant data located and what are the data security requirements? Is a private or public cloud available?

How do I build data processing pipelines?

Where is the data collected and on what terms? Is it personal data under the defition of the GDPR? Does your data need cleaning, preprocessing, pseudonymization or anonymization?

How do I find better features for my ML model?

We can support you with our unique experience in automating feature engineering. What does the data model look like? Have you tried feature learning algorithms or brute force approaches?

How do I set-up and tune my ML model?

What are your requirements with respect to model size? What predictors are you using? Does a hyperparameter optimization or ensembling lead to better results?

How to get started with MLOps?

Do you need a bulk prediction pipeline or REST API for live predictions? Does your application require regular retraining of your models to adapt them to changing environments?

Use getML in your data science team

Feature learning reduces time and costs of data science projects. Here is how we can help you to adopt getML into your ML stack:

30 minute tech deep dive

Together, we organize an individual tech demo for your data science and data engineering team. It's free of charge!

Contact us

Joint evaluation on your ML challenge

Evaluate getML on your predictive analytics challenge with hands-on coding support from the inventors of feature learning.

Talk to a solution expert to get started.

Training for your team

For a deep dive into the getML API and relational learning in general, we offer onboarding and training sessions at your pace.